Amy Atkin

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I’ve had a restless soul ever since I was a little girl. This is no longer the case thanks to KAP. Like many, I was originally drawn to spiritual enquiry out of struggle. Health crises, heartbreak, a failed business venture and mental, physical and emotional challenges as a new mum.... I’ve been a devoted meditator for 20 years and have explored and enjoyed many other spiritual practices. I also work in private practice as psychotherapist -

KAP has been the cherry on the top for me transforming my life so profoundly that words fall short. As a way to give back in gratitude, I’ve committed to sharing the same gift with as many other souls as possible. So here I am as a certified KAP facilitator to support you in remembering and returning to your true essence.

So if you’re a soul adventurer and ready to free yourself from unnecessary suffering and surrender to limitless possibilities, I’d love to share this journey home with you. Liberation is our divine birthright. Love is all that matters. Let’s play!