Amy Stewart and Cassie Jordan

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Amy Stewart and Cassie Jordan first crossed paths in February 2023.  Cassie was a participant in one of Amy's regular 2 day Women in Leadership workshops.  They hit it off in every possible way - Cassie as the curious, engaging and generous executive leader who was seeking to empower herself and others with some valuable professional development; and Amy as the energising, knowledgable and insightful facilitator! 

They got talking... a lot!  Passionate about supporting the development of females and female leaders, they are on a mission to empower women in their career choices and skills. 

Avid collaborators, accomplished leaders and seasoned professionals in their respective fields, they decided to bring a Career Accelerator session to life - focusing on Emotional Intelligence and Difficult Conversations.  There are other sessions in the pipeline others in the design and development pipeline for 2024 - watch this space!