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Anick Chouinard

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Welcome Sisters,

I’m Anick, a French-Canadian who has called Australia home since 2014. For 14 years, I taught psychology in higher education across three countries. In 2022, I realized I could channel my unique gifts to support women on their healing journeys.

My path was marked by heartbreak and unresolved childhood trauma, leading me to explore 35 countries in search of answers. It wasn't until I finally settled down and committed to deep inner work that I found the healing I sought. Drawing from my experiences, I’ve developed courses, workshops, and activities to help others start their own healing journeys.

I have been facilitating women's circles and workshops on various themes for almost 3 years now, providing a space for us to share, learn, and grow together. I firmly believe that true healing happens within a community, not in isolation. It is my honor to support and nurture this incredible community.

Happy Journeying,

With Lots of Love,