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Ann Green

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Ann is a psychiatric nurse practitioner, with over 35 years of dedication towards helping others navigate the intricate landscapes of human relationships with unwavering commitment and compassion. Driven by a deep concern for global inequities, she aims to transform lives through therapeutic work. Through experimenting with innovative methods for social and personal change, she helped co-create the practice of Social Therapy, a holistic approach that addresses not only individual struggles but also the systemic factors that shape them. Her unique focus on group therapy creates a supportive environment for fostering resilience, empowerment, and social connections. She encourages patients to confront conflicts and helps them develop the tools for leading honest conversations that build and strengthen relationships. 

Her therapy practice, is located in New York.  She warmly welcomes people of all ages seeking support for a myriad of life and mental health challenges. From navigating the depths of depression and anxiety to coping with workplace stress, academic pressures, and trauma-related emotional distress, Ann provides a nurturing environment where healing and growth flourish.