AnnapurnaBlue Health and Wellness, LLC
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Our Mind, Body and Spirit
Talk To Us!  

Our mind, body and spirit give us signs and symptoms to tell us when something is wrong.  The question is.... are we listening to what they tell us? 

Embrace Balance and Healing at Our
Wellness Retreat

​Life has a way of interrupting our life in many ways, affecting our general well-being, our health, and other areas in our life. 

Its amazing the effects of obstacles can have in our life.   Our retreats offer space and tools to help you manage, to heal, to be more productive in your life.   

If you're dealing with an unbalanced life—physically, mentally, and spiritually—consider joining one of our retreats.  Our sessions include learning about the five life poisons in our lives and how to manage and replace them with wisdom.​

Our retreats are not medical retreats, but our unique program, workshops, group healing  sessions, are designed to open all possibilities and wisdoms to help you nurture your mind, body, and spirit.  To help you make changes you would like to have for your life. ​

We provide space to think about what you want your life to be and help you realize that you are exceptional, not ordinary.

Our staff and team together has over 30 years experience and are amazing with profound positive responses in people's lives.  Powerful, simple, and life-altering, with a strong, positive impact on those who embrace them. The experience is serious yet fun and insightful.​

You'll love being at a retreat with AnnapurnaBlue’s staff and team. ​

We have fun, connect with like-minded people, and enjoy our surroundings, Our workshops will impress,  we add excursions with a bit of adventure, we laugh, dance, amazing meals and more.  When you leave, you'll have all the tools needed to heal,  make positive changes in your life, benefiting not only yourself but also your family, relationships, work/career, finances, and……​

Join us to transform your life, find balance, and embrace healing.

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