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Anne Curtis
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Anne Curtis, Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine, Munay-Ki practitioner and teacher.

Anne first received the Rites in 2010 from a Qero Shaman and Dr Alberto Villoldo’s Four Winds School.

Anne has since received the rites from Alberto Villoldo, Marcela Lobos, Qero shaman and teachers at the Four Winds School during her Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine course and the Munay-Ki teacher training. 

As a Munay-Ki teacher our mission is to spread the message of love in action, inspiring others to embrace a compassionate and inclusive way of being in the world. We believe that love is not just a feeling, but a powerful force for transformation and healing. Through the Munay-Ki rites, we guide our students on a journey of self-discovery, helping them to release old wounds, awaken their inner power, and embody unconditional love.

Our goal is to create a ripple effect of love and healing in the world, as our students carry the Munay-Ki teachings into their lives and share them with others. We aspire to create a community of awakened beings who are committed to living in harmony with themselves, each other, and the Earth.

As Munay-Ki teachers, we honor the lineage of this sacred tradition and approach our work with reverence and respect. We hold space for our students to connect with their own inner wisdom, to explore their unique path, and to embody the essence of love in their own way.