Antonella Spatola owns Wisdom for Women and founded the charity True To You. She teaches girls and women from all backgrounds Empowerment Self Defence, or ESD for short.
ESD is an evidence-based methodology that teaches you to recognise the signs of red flag behaviours and helps you respond using psychological, intuitive, emotional, and physical skills to prevent unwanted situations or support your healing if you have become a victim of abuse.
Antonella has been teaching primary violence prevention worldwide. She has a B.A. in Psychology, is a personality profiler, a mediator, a mentor, and a coach, and works with neuro-diverse individuals as a behavioural therapist. Antonella's diverse skill set encompasses being a certified Wing Chun Kung Fu instructor. Her knowledge is a rich tapestry woven from her global experience of over 20 years in the evidence-based primary violence prevention education space as a woman.
Antonella's unique approach to ESD, guided by the Enneagram, is a testament to her compassionate spirit. She leads learners on a transformative journey towards self-awareness of subconscious patterns, empowering women to reclaim their power and discover their self-worth.
Antonella develops unique ESD programs taught to women worldwide, including the Department of Education and Youth Leaders in the Philippines, Women exiled from Myanmar, schools and community workshops across Queensland.
Antonella Spatola is among the world leaders in ESD and has spoken at the STOP DV Conference and multiple times at the Violence Prevention Education Conference in New York. She is on the international board of The Association of ESD Professionals and True To You Charity.