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Arna Baartz

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Meet your host: Arna Baartz is an award winning Artist with work featured in books, magazines and private collections all over the world. Using visual arts as a method of expression, personal growth and communication, she is an arts educator and founder of programs like I AM, Kids In Touch Arts and The Emotional Intelligence Initiative. Arna's career spans more than thirty years and is an expert at helping you release your inner creative and make your creative marks without fear.
She creates in her studio at M|Arts Precinct where she also displays and sells artwork, writing pieces and more.


"Arna's classes are so much fun! She has the unique ability to unlock stuck creativity and help you believe in your inner artist again." Nadia

"It's more than just an art class, it is an exploration of creativity and FUN" Jules 

"Arna's classes are fun with lots of laughter, fun and creativity, I highly recommend them!" Chris 

"Arna is the best art teacher ever ! " Josie aged 8