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Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville

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The Arts & Business Council is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that leverages and unites the unique resources of the arts and business communities to create a thriving, sustainable creative culture in Nashville.

What We Do
  • We create mutually beneficial partnerships between arts and business.
  • We provide direct services, key opportunities, and education to the creative community to help them master the business of art.
  • We inspire workplace creativity in businesses to demonstrate the impact of the arts through tangible benefits and develop life-long arts participants and supporters.


As the hub for building more sustainable arts businesses and creative enterprises:

  • Investing in artists is central to the Arts & Business Council’s long-­term vision of a community where artists are valued as critical assets to be engaged, supported, and empowered.
  • The Arts & Business Council believes having a large population of engaged, capable artists will lead to both a more just and equitable society.
  • The Arts & Business Council believes a strong sector of creative businesses will enhance the overall economic profile of the Greater Nashville area. A thriving arts community: attracts businesses to Nashville; makes for a healthy, happy population; and creates strong, innovative solutions to social, business, and civic challenges.