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2024 Season

musical directors: Andrew Byrne, John McCaughey

Astra enters a new era in 2024. Andrew Byrne joins longtime musical director John McCaughey in devising and directing an expanded season of concerts. Byrne's quarter-century of experience as artistic director and composer in New York brings new impulses to Astra's tradition in contemporary and choral programming. Together, they are set to expand Astra's cultural footprint across a spectrum of concert activities.

The result is the 2024 season - eight concerts with choir, instrumental ensembles, world music, early music, experimental and theatrical performance. 

The musical melting pot - players from diverse musical cultures add their presence to Astra's tradition of choral worlds between old and new 
Hear, and now! - eight premieres and five commissions of Australian work, performances of recent pieces by international composers. 
Stories of our time - songs bitter and sweet of politics, history, identity, migration, environmentalism