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ASU VicTas - Training Team

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The ASU is committed to providing education that ensures our union delegates, activists and members have the skills, knowledge and confidence to act effectively in their workplaces across all industries.

Two things you should know…

  1. ASU Delegate Training is FREE
  2. Some Awards and Agreements entitle members to paid trade union training leave

About our courses

  • Delegate Training Part One – this three-day course provides delegates with the foundations to become an effective union delegate. Delegates will enjoy learning about the ASU, union history, Fair Work Act, WorkCover, Occupational Health and Safety, equal opportunity, negotiation skills and workplace organising. Enjoy meeting delegates from a wide range of workplaces and industries, meet union organisers and other service providers such as Maurice Blackburn Lawyers.
  • Delegate Training Part Two – follow on from Part One training by completing the two-day Part Two delegate course, designed to build the skills and knowledge to run an effective workplace campaign. Practical sessions involve planning a campaign, organising and running a union meeting, recruitment of non-members.
  • Delegate Refresher Training – The Refresher Course builds on the skills and knowledge gained in your initial training with the ASU. Training involves Dispute Resolution and Enterprise Bargaining under the Fair Work Act. You will enjoy sharing experiences with delegates from a diverse range of workplaces.


And there’s more…

The ASU also offers training in:

  • Preventing Harassment, Discrimination & Bullying
  • Occupational Health and Safety

Our training is designed to be accessible and inclusive for all. ASU courses are an invaluable resource for managers and employees. They are also tailored to suit the needs of your particular workplace. We can schedule courses to meet your requirements and will conveniently deliver the course at your workplace.

For more information: Contact our training team at