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Aviva - Family and Sexual Violence Services

Aviva - Family and Sexual Violence Services's logo
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Aviva is a Canterbury-based family and sexual violence agency dedicated to making New Zealand Aotearoa violence-free. We offer an extensive range of integrated services to support all people to live free from violence and overcome its enduring harms.

Our services include:

  • 24-hour phone advocacy, advice and support for Family Violence or Sexual Assault
  • Ministry of Justice approved education programmes
  • Sexual violence services for those aged 18 and over and victims’ close family and friends
  • ReachOut service for those using or at risk of using violence
  • safe@home review of home security needs
  • Community Development social events, trainings, and opportunities to connect
  • Seuga for Pasifika people
  • GoodLoans budgeting services and no interest loans

For more information, contact 0800 AVIVA NOW (0800 28482 669) or enquiries@aviva.org.nz, or see our website at aviva.org.nz.