Hey there, I’m Rachel and I’m so glad you’re here..
Do you have a feeling deep down that life could be easier? That you could have more energy, wake up with radiance ready for each new day?
There was a time in my life that I struggled with anxiety, addictions, and felt confused about how to take care of my body. I tried fad diets, then binged, then a new fad and so on.. bloated, tired, anxious and confused I knew there had to be a better way.
When Ayurveda found me it quickly began to change my life for the better. I knew for the first time why some foods worked for me and others didn’t. Why I was anxious and how to overcome it. With the support of many great teachers, therapists and community I found the support I needed to learn, heal and begin to live life more fully.
Over the years I have studied Ayurveda, Yoga, Zenthai Shiatsu, Biodynamic craniosacral therapy, and many more modalities. Now it’s my passion to help you step into the health and life that you deep down know is possible. One step at a time, with ancient time tested wisdom and the culture of care and support, I believe you too can heal and enjoy your life to the fullest.