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Why choose Beeline Training Academy for First Aid and CPR  Training and Conduct Manual
Tasks Safely Brisbane

Nationally Recognised
Practical Sessions
Training all over Queensland
Onsite Training

Industry Experienced
NDIS Disability - Aged Care
Education & Child Services
Foster Care

First aid refers to the immediate medical attention provided to an injured or ill person at the location where the incident occurred; Beeline Training Academy provides simulations from real experiences that have happened in Disability, Aged Care Sectors. It is the initial care given before professional medical help can be obtained.

The purpose of first aid is to minimise further injury, alleviate pain, and preserve life until full medical treatment is available. What happens in the first moments and how you respond makes a difference in the outcome of the person requiring assistance.

While first aid covers a broad spectrum of life-saving skills, including CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), CPR is a specific technique within the realm of first aid that focuses on helping someone who is experiencing cardiac arrest. CPR classes tend to centre on cardiac arrest situations; Beeline Training Academy's simulations cover CPR training with the Disability Aged Care participant manikins, providing real hands-on training and how to best provide CPR; while first aid classes encompass a wider range of emergency situations such as cuts, burns, fractures, and more.

Workers and Carers are exposed to day to day activities which involve some kind of manual handling, some more hazardous than others. These tasks are a common cause of injury in the workplace or residence, and as such, understanding how to undertake these tasks safely is imperative. Without manual handling training, employees can make mistakes and even suffer serious injury. This is especially true if an employee is around hazardous substances or activities.

This training in this course allows you to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence required to firstly recognise potentially hazardous manual tasks and the sources of risks and risk factors. Then prepare for and apply controls to complete these tasks using manual handling techniques which support safe work practice.

You will also learn about the function of the body in movement and performing manual tasks, the importance of posture and positioning of the body and how to recognise symptoms of an injury and report it.

Having a national accredited Conduct Manual Tasks Safely Certificate will reduce the risk of injury, increase your confidence and protentually save you from an injury, litigation and unemployment.