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Before & After Life

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Before & After Life offers places and spaces to be human.

We work across the terrain of caring, dying and grieving. This work is deeply rooted in nature’s wisdom; we re/imagine generative end of life and loss practices. 

• Practical supports, education and facilitation for people, families, and groups.
• Term courses, workshops, community meets and retreats.
• Online/In-Person // Bundjalung Country, NSW

This is the work of every-day people and communities.
All genders, backgrounds, cultural perspectives and faith traditions are welcome.

Emma Beattie [she/her] - Before & After Life
Emma has worked, studied and volunteered in caring and deathing since 2020.  She brings an animistic, creative and poetic lens to caring, deathing and grieving. Her death and dying work and studies intersect a long line of lived experienced with personal loss. Her professional origins reside in strategic thinking, storytelling and social impact. She offers practical supports, education and facilitation for people, families, and groups via term courses, workshops, community meets and retreats. Emma is a member of Palliative Care NSW, the Natural Death Advocacy Network and an advocate for Compassionate Communities Australia.


"Just reaching out to let you know how amazing I think this course is already.“
"It's just so exquisitely held by you, and I'm really loving all of it.“