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Bek Smith and the Mental Fitness Movement

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Bek Smith is an experienced psychological skills facilitator, and founder of the Mental Fitness Movement, a for-purpose organisation dedicated to improving wellbeing, safety and quality of life for people. As a survivor of domestic violence with a history of mental ill-health, Bek's personal mission is to disrupt cycles of violence by shifting mindsets and connecting communities. Her vision is a world of people who love themselves and each other whole-heartedly.

Bek believes that marriage is an outdated form of social control that prevents people from accessing their deepest human needs, and creates an environment where mental illness, violence and shame are able to thrive. Her Indigenous background gives her grounding in traditional ways of living which sit outside the nuclear family structure, and she has a strong interest in social de-colonisation. She has been practicing ethical non-monogamy for 13 years, and is a loving stepmother and aunty to a small tribe of younger humans whom she is thankful she didn't have to force out of her own body. She looks forward to sharing perspectives which she hopes may re-shape your life story as they have hers.