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Beth Sohn

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Beth is a world traveler, teacher, mental health professional, writer, astrologer, and event host. Originally from California, USA, she has spent time living in Sweden, Spain, Mexico, and now Australia. She uses her international experience, fluency in English & Spanish, Jewish roots, and genuine love for all humans to easily create spaces where every person feels welcome and comfortable. Currently, she is studying shamanic healing and cyclical wisdom of the womb, the moon, and the seasons through the School of Shamanic Womancraft as well as the Cosmic Babes Astrology Academy Level 2. Her dream is to create spaces that ignite healing waves of laughter and love that ripple out to the farthest corners of the Earth.

Professional qualifications:

Bachelors in Child and Adolescent Development with a concentration in Youth Work & Out of School Time and a minor in Special Education. Magna Cum Laude, San Francisco State University, California, USA.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Certificate and Expert in Bilingual Education Certificate. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.

Cosmic Babes Astrology Academy Level 1 Certificate.