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Bizezi Training

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The vision remains constant: To change lives and communities through sustainable small business.

Bizezi Training (Formally Rebel Business School Aotearoa) provides FREE to attend business activation programmes for communities across Aotearoa. Their graduate programme provides access to tools, processes, deals, mentoring and products enabling sustainable business growth. Additionally they have a Business Planning app ( that gamifies the front-end of the business plan and focuses business owners on validation and business model. The app is a core part of their Validation Sprint and Business Plan Sprint programmes. They have in-person, hybrid and online business activation programmes.

Over the past seven years (better known as Rebel Business School Aotearoa) Bizezi Training have worked with over 1,800 small businesses across Aotearoa including areas like Tolaga Bay, Te Kaha and Kawerau. They are a data rich organisation with Longitudinal Study data. The Bizezi Training Flagship Programmes range from 1-2 days through to 10-day business activation. Bizezi Training have worked closely to deliver their programmes with multiple councils, economic development agencies, corporates and central government.