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Blush Cancer Care

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Blush Cancer Care Inc. provides education and support services that positively impacts the well being of breast cancer patients in Toowoomba, Darling Downs and Lockyer Valley, by supporting breast cancer patients from their diagnosis to their treatment, and beyond.Β 

Our dedicated team of volunteers work very hard every year to fundraise for this great cause. However, without the help and generosity of our community, it would not be possible. The Blush committee is always very grateful for the support and donations received. As a result of the contributions from businesses and the wider community over the past several years, Blush is able to support new and innovative projects to support breast cancer patients and their families, including: - Providing every newly diagnosed patient with a care package. - iPads loaded with educational resources for use in hospital, and during chemotherapy visits. - Patient appointment diaries, a vital tool for both patients and medical practitioners with the support of St Andrew’s Toowoomba Hospital.