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BNI Altitude

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BNI: The world’s largest business networking organisation!

We would like to extend a warm invitation for you to join us at our BNI Altitude weekly networking meeting. Held at Osborne Park Bowling Club every Wednesday at 9.15am. Come and see how BNI and structured word-of-mouth marketing can help you grow your business.

BNI is the largest business networking organisation in the world. We offer members endless education and the opportunity to share ideas, contacts, and most importantly, quality business referrals.

During the morning meeting, members will have 60 seconds each to talk about their business and educate us about what kind of referrals they are interested in.

As a guest you will get the opportunity to introduce yourself with; your name, company name, and who invited you.

The formal part of the event ends at 10.45 am but as this would be your first time you should expect to leave no later than 11.00 am. To reserve your seat, please select your preferred event date and complete your booking and payment. 

We look forward to doing business with you.