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Britt & Beth

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Britt Barrett & Beth Foley are dear friends and neighbors in their sweet hometown of Fairfax, California. They are excited to be coming together in this way, sharing their unique skills with the local community. 

Britt is a Bay Area native who started on her path to healing twenty years ago when she was diagnosed with an incurable disease. She traveled the world seeking alternative forms of healing, and eventually found her way to Ayurveda. This was a catalyst not only for managing her chronic disease, but also for deepening into the art of self-care and internal inquiry. Britt has studied multiple modalities over the past 15 years and has found breathwork to be one of the most effective tools for releasing trauma and reconnecting to one's inner knowing. You can learn more about her work here

Beth is a Midwest-born nature lover who found her way to the somatic therapy world through the path of yoga, an ever-evolving practice that continues to inspire and support her. Her work focuses on the power of somatic awareness and nervous system regulation to transform unwanted patterns, an invaluable skill for navigating life and recovery of all kinds. Beth has been sharing this work for several years, supporting many clients in releasing held trauma from their bodies and living with more freedom, balance, and ease. You can read more about her work here.