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Brooklyn United Soccer Club

Brooklyn United Soccer Club's logo
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Brooklyn United Soccer Club aims to provide opportunities for all our members to play and develop their skills in a competitive and supportive environment, underpinned by our principles of fair play & sportsmanship.

We play in the Northern Suburbs Football Association (NSFA) and field teams in MiniRoos, Juniors, Men's, and Women's from under 6s to over 45s.

At Brooklyn United Soccer Club, we are committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for players of all ages and skill levels to develop their talents, make new friends, and have fun. Brooklyn United Soccer Club is more than just a club – we're a community. We're proud to be part of the fabric of Brooklyn, and we're dedicated to giving back to our local area through our programs and events.

Whether you're looking for a competitive game or a friendly kickabout, we've got something for everyone.