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Brunswick Valley Landcare

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Brunswick Valley Landcare is a local, long-standing not-for-profit community group.

Brunswick Valley Landcare aims to conserve and restore our natural environment from forest to foreshore. We work with hundreds of volunteers and landholders in the Brunswick River catchment of Byron Shire in northern NSW.

The Brunswick Valley has phenomenal biodiversity in its small catchment with around 750 local native plant species. It lies within the third most biodiverse area in Australia.

We are a membership-based, grass-roots organisation, leading by example, and hold regular workshops, field trips and other events to help you live amongst our natural environment.

We’d love to receive your donation to help us with our work on land management practices to conserve and improve local habitat for wildlife, our sensitive beach-dune areas and local farmland through regenerative agriculture.

Become a member today to be part of a community of people caring for our local ecosystems for future generations.