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Buddy Malbasias

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Buddy is a Brisbane-based Filipino dance artist traversing contemporary dance, interdisciplinary experimentations and Waacking contexts. He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) minoring in Dance Performance at QUT as the 2022 Creative Industries University Medalist.

Beginning his training within the hip-hop choreography space, he soon received a QUT Elite Performance and Visual Art Scholarship to study contemporary dance. Throughout his studies, he was granted the Dean’s list per semester, was titled the dance ambassador for his cohort and graduated as the recipient of the prestigious Dance Performance Scholarship - a reflection of his passion, determination and commitment. Notably, buddy returned in 2022 from an international scholarship in Europe and residency in Ars Electronica Austria, where he developed interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary works with artists around the world.

Buddy's creative practice centres on a reconnection to self and culture through immersive, innovative and thought-provoking interdisciplinary explorations. Wacky and weird, he loves experimenting with juxtaposition, the unconventional and developing fanatical worlds into a reality. His choreographic practice spans live and digital contexts, such as ‘610X,’ ‘Observe,’ ‘Z-A’ and his award-winning film, ‘Anino.’ Buddy has worked with respected companies, such as Ars Electronica, Queensland Museum, QACI, APAC and JKU Linz.