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Burn Survivors of New England

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Burn Survivors of New England (BSONE) is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization based in Massachusetts, serving the burn survivor community and their families throughout New England. Our mission is rooted in providing comprehensive support through educational initiatives, outreach programs, and individual and group support assistance.

At BSONE, we prioritize building meaningful relationships with burn survivors, families, healthcare professionals, and the local fire community. Through personalized engagement, we aim to offer effective support and resources tailored to each individual's needs. Our outreach programs are central to our mission, reaching out to burn survivors and their families in the community to raise awareness, provide education, and offer crucial support. We understand the significance of comprehensive resources, offering educational materials, links to support groups, and access to relevant publications and research related to burn injuries and recovery.

Collaboration with healthcare professionals is integral to our approach. By working closely with doctors, nurses, therapists, and counselors, we ensure that burn survivors receive comprehensive care from the moment of injury through their rehabilitation and beyond. Recognizing the vital role of firefighters and the fire community, BSONE collaborates with local departments to promote burn prevention and establish a supportive network between burn survivors and firefighters. This partnership enhances support systems and fosters a safer environment for all.

Through our services and resources, BSONE is dedicated to supporting burn survivors and their families throughout their recovery journey. By focusing on personalized partnerships and tailored support, we empower individuals affected by burns to lead active and engaged lives.