Canterbury Potters' Association's logo

Canterbury Potters' Association

Canterbury Potters' Association's logo
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Our association has supported potters and ceramic artists in Christchurch and the Canterbury region for 60 years.

We are a sociable group, interested in all aspects of ceramics, and we welcome new members – from absolute beginners to experienced professionals – who wish to share and learn more about our craft.

We offer pottery classes at every level, for adults and young people. These classes, in which many Canterbury potters began their professional careers, cater for both experienced potters and absolute beginners. You do not need to be a member of the club to attend our classes, but many of our students enjoy the benefits of membership.

We have facilities for a wide range of ceramic techniques including electric and gas kilns, electric wheels, specialist glaze room, an extensive library for reference and inspiration, plus a significant collection of work from members and visiting potters.

Our Facilities

Our clubrooms are set amongst mature trees and gardens in the beautiful Avice Hill Reserve.  The rooms were designed and purpose-built as a working pottery studio for teaching and working, in 1989. As a result of a generous bequest from renowned plantswoman, potter and collector Avice Hill, the rooms are attached to a historic two-room cottage which was part of the original Hill farm.