A delicious ensemble of dancers from Carmel, California...
brought together for their love of lace, sequins, and booty shaking. All of the Carmel Delights are classically trained dancers. They combine the aspects of professional dancing with the fun, flirty theatrics of burlesque for a sensation that is sure to satisfy. The Carmel Delights originated in 2014 in the heart of Monterey. It was Honey Delight's dream to delight the masses by drawing together a collection of dancers that would inspire and dazzle! Since then the Delights have performed Internationally throughout the United States, United Kingdom, and Spain.
Carmel Delight's Dance Company is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Carmel Delight's Dance Company must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Mission Statement:
The Carmel Delights are dedicated to spreading artistic expression through community performance and collaboration. We strive to provide energetic, entertaining, and multifaceted dance productions by utilizing the talents of local musicians, vocalists, and other artists. The Carmel Delights’ Dance Company is committed to creating new, inspiring productions to perform in the Monterey Bay Area focused on female empowerment, expression of various skills, and individuality. Our repertoire is expansive involving cabaret, modern, contemporary, ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, acrobatics, aerial, and theater.