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Cass & Mich

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We are Cass & Mich, we are best friends who have joined forces to bring you CM Sisterhood.

Here at CM Sisterhood we are very passionate about creating magical enviroments and events for people to connect and explore. Our events range from Yoga,  Sound healing, Meditations, Cocao Ceremonies, Womens Circles, Mothers Blessings and more community building events. Our vision is to create a community of people who feel safe, valued, seen, held and heard. 

Our most popular events include our fortnightly 'Grounded' night which is a Yin Yoga|Cocao|Meditation|Sound bath emersion evening held in Berwick at the Old Cheese Factory. 

We also hold sacred Womens circles/events which run monthly in the South Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne. All of our Womens Circle have different themes and activities, we will go on an unforgettable journey together and build a sisterhood you will forvever be apart of. 

We also have new community building events where you can come to meet like-minded people, make friends and enjoy a light-heated envinoment to connect.

We continuously planning new events to bring our community, so stay tuned to see what we get up to!


C & M