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Cassandra Goodman

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Hi, I'm Cassandra and I'm the founder of The Centre for Self-Fidelity. 

Self-Fidelity is the practice of being true to our essential nature.

I'm a trusted guide for leaders who are ready to do the inner work required to change their relationship with the voices in their heads, so that they can get out of their own way and step into more of their innate leadership potential.

I have over three decades of business experience and have held many different senior leadership roles, including Global Director of Employee Experience at a Bupa where I was accountable for activating Bupa’s purpose ‘Longer, Healthier, Happier Lives’ for their 86,000 employees around the world.

I have worked with a range of organisations including; NBN, Adobe, Zoom, Country Fire Authority (CFA) Origin Energy, Energy Australia, The Australian Tax Office, Vic Dept. of Health, Holden, Citibank, NSW Department of Transport, Think Talent, Logicalis, SAP, Procter & Gamble, AIG, The Smith Family, YMCA & CBA.

I am the author of two books SELF-FIDELITY and BEING TRUE