Cassie from Making It Moxie
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inspired. creative. empowered.

I don’t want you to feel this just in my workshops.

I want you to feeeel this in your LIFE.

Hopefully we can move closer to these things in the time we have together, too though 😉

We are all creators (in every sense of the word), and creating is powerful…ergo, we are powerful (it’s true, I promise).

Oh hi!  I’m Cassie. 

Your friendly introverted rebel who’s drawn to beautiful souls, beautiful craftsmanship, and finding beauty in the obscure and oddities. 

I truly believe EVERYONE is capable of making beautifully magical things, and being creative in one area of our lives feeds creativity and joy in other areas. I also believe we’ve dropped the metaphorical-ball on “playing”, in an effort to appear more successful, more adult-like, more like-we-know-what-the-hell-we’re-doing…

Here’s a ‘straight facts’ secret though - the most successfulist, got-it-together people prioritise play. They make time for exploration, curiosity and doing things because they flippin’ feel like it!

Let’s slow the fuck down and tap into our naturally creative energies and make things for the sake of making things again (but also because we’re SUPPOSED to). If you need it, I’d love to extend the permission-to-PLAY slip for you to (permanently) borrow. 

Come along if ya feel like it!