Centre for Construction Safety and Wellbeing

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The Centre for Construction Safety and Well-being (CCSW) was established  through an industry partnership between the University of Newcastle and  construction company Hansen Yuncken and is located in the university’s School of Architecture and Built Environment. The Centre will contribute  towards the academic knowledge base for the benefit of the whole  construction industry with its aim to not only provide short-medium lessons for construction industry health and safety management but to  also identify ways in which to enhance health and safety knowledge and skill development for future generations of construction management graduates. Greater health and safety literacy and skills application integrated into construction management tertiary education will enable a better understanding of the role of a site supervisor, site manager, site engineer and project manager. This level of health and safety education will complement those skills developed in industry and have the capacity to enable greater consistency in applying best practice approaches to site management and achieving better health and safety outcomes right across the industry. This industry partnership is one of the outcomes of the successful Enforceable Undertaking between Hansen Yuncken (HY) and SafeWork NSW.