Chicago Swans Australian Football Club

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The Chicago Australian Football Association (CAFA) is a not-for-profit organization promoting Australian Rules Football (Aussie Rules) as well as Australian culture in the greater Chicago area.

The CAFA competes in organized matches sanctioned by the United States Australian Football League and organizes several social functions and community activities throughout the calendar year.

The CAFA is open to all skill levels and anyone is welcome to participate in training sessions, metro competitions and especially social functions.

We train Wednesdays and host matches at the Waveland Softball Fields (3600 N Recreation Dr, Chicago, IL, 60657) and also train Saturdays  at Humboldt (Alexander Von) Park (1400 N Humboldt Dr., Chicago, IL).  Training is most Wednesdays from 6:00PM-dark and Saturdays from 10:00AM to noon.  Check the schedule for game and training times.