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CEW is the pre-eminent organisation representing prominent and influential women leaders from the corporate, public service, academic and not-for-profit sectors.

They oversee more than 1.3 million employees and $749 billion in revenue. Members’ organisations have a combined market capitalisation greater than $1.144 trillion and contribute in excess of $249 billion to Australia’s GDP. 

Since 1985 CEW has influenced and engaged all levels of Australian business and government to achieve gender balance. Through advocacy, research, targeted programs and scholarships, CEW helps to remove the barriers to women’s progression and ensure equal opportunity for prosperity. CEW’s members work actively to realise our vision of a community where women and men have equal economic and social choices and responsibilities. 

The 2022 CEW Census found at the current rate of progression, it will take 100 years for women to reach 40% of ASX 300 chief executive positions. To make matters even worse, Australia is going backwards. There were fewer gender-balanced leadership teams in 2022, than there were in 2021.*2022 CEW Senior Executive Census