Christopher Jones

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Christopher Jones has been a leading figure in the world of handreading for 40yrs and was the Secretary of the Cheirological Society from 1989-1999 writing for and publishing their quarterly Journal of Studies. During that time, he taught many handreaders who went on to become the expert chirologists in their countries. The written works of his students are amongst the most esteemed books on handreading available today.

The author of over 15 technical study books on cheirology, Christopher has written the definitive guide to the History of Handreading after five years of studying in the libraries of Oxford University. He pioneered original chirological research into health assessment from the hand, the effects of meditation on the hand and the hands of criminals and facilitated Chirological Study seminars with noted handreaders such as Johnny Fincham, Felicity Booth, Lynn Seal, Johan Hjelmborg, Talma Brill, Laura Thornton and Chris Swain. Whilst at Oxford, he completed a Masters Degree in Philosophy & Theology and ran the Oxford Astrology Group with Charlotte Suthrell, combining psychological astrology with traditional horary astrology.

Christopher first took Refuge as a Buddhist in 1983 and his training in esoteric Buddhism is infused into the practice of handreading to provide a thorough, erudite and enlightening perspective on how to live with integrity and authenticity.

Since 2020, he has been a student of non-dual tantra under the guidance of scholar-practitioner Dr Christopher Tompkins of UC Berkeley in California.