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Climate Council

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About Us

Climate Council is Australia’s own independent, evidence-based organisation on climate science, impacts and solutions.

We connect decision-makers, the public and the media to catalyse action at scale, elevate climate stories in the news and shape the conversation on climate consequences and action, at home and abroad.

We advocate for climate policies and solutions that can rapidly drive down emissions, based on the most up-to-date climate science and information.

We do this in partnership with our incredible community: thousands of generous, passionate supporters and donors, who have backed us every step of the way since they crowd-funded our beginning as a non-profit organisation in 2013.

Our vision and mission

Our vision is that by 2025 Australia’s emissions are on a steep downward trajectory with projects and policies in place to see us cut emissions by 75% by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2035. This represents a transformation in action and attitude from all levels of government, industry, business and community. This will fundamentally improve Australia’s contribution to the global climate challenge, while unlocking many national benefits from the new economy, and protecting Australian lives, our well-being and natural environment.

Our mission is to be a courageous catalyst propelling Australia towards bold, effective action to have emissions plummet during the 2020s and hit net zero by 2035.