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Connected Society

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Are you single and over swiping, endless texting and disappointing dates? Swipe less and socialise more at Connected Society single events.

What to expect at a C.S. Event: Our events are like going to a bar on a night out, meeting new people but all the people you meet are single! So try something different and connect organically with likeminded singles..... maybe even have a romantic spark. 

✅ 1 x Drink is included with Ticket 
✅ A Reserved space at great venues
✅ Meet & socialise with singles
✅ A host for the evening
✅ All events are INDOOR
✅ Conversation starters provided
❌ Speed dating
❌ Awkwardly timed chats
❌ Dating apps for the night

At the event your friendly host will greet you, scan your ticket and get you started with a drink card (1 x alcoholic or soft drink inc.). You will also be given a fun question card, should you wish to use it. From here your night with the freedom to socialise begins. This is NOT a structured - think party and move around. Your host is available for the evening should you need them.

Tips: Don’t worry about coming stag, the majority of singles will do the same. If you do decide to come with a friend, just note that it is always harder for someone to approach a group of people compared to one person, so remember to be welcoming. Be open to chatting and socialising with other singles and enjoy your night. One connection, can always lead to another. 

Tickets: Tickets are sold as close as possible, equally between men and women. To achieve this tickets are sold in two releases.

About Connected Society: Annita is the creator of Connected Society. As a single person with a busy life, she was seeking an easy way to meet other singles. Although, she understood that dating apps had its place in today’s lifestyle, she missed the connection created organically when socialising and meeting people out and about.

After discovering, that her choices were limited with adelaide singles events, where she was able to naturally socialise and not be restricted to who she spoke to, she decided to start her own single events. Connected society was created!

Refunds: No refunds are available 7 days prior to the event. Should the event be cancelled by the host Tickets will be refunded (minus HUMANTIX ticket fee). Events would only be cancelled if number quota is not met for both males and females.

Photos: Photos may be taken at your event by a photographer. Please let them know at the event should you not wish to be in a photo as they are used in social media & website to promote events.

Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability: By purchasing a ticket of the Connected Society and/or attending this event, you and your guests on your ticket purchase accept that risks can be associated with participating in any event, including travel to and from the event. You agree to be responsible for your own safety and take responsibility for any consequences resulting from the consumption of alcohol and realize that you can not hold the organiser responsible as we are only the facilitator of a meeting of attendees or ticket holders.