Crown Omega provides support and avenues for people to reconnect with nature, and to live a life aligned with their heart, with the ultimate end result being homeostasis of their mind, spirit and body.
We are passionate about the use of and education about pythotherapy.
We are also passionate about assisting aligned members, individuals in expressing their gifts and true calling with the world.
We are committed to providing our members & community with ways to empower not only themselves but others through phytotherapy, coaching & consulting, & support & guidance regarding mind, body & soul wellness.
Our resources are sustainable & environmentally sound & we ensure our services are also available to local members, communities & those in need.
Our community sources funds from holding events, being involved in projects, workshops, consulting, coaching, health and wellness products & education & administrative help to those who need guidance in this area who run their own wellness projects for our members & our community.
The "crown" is the first and last, it is the point at which our physical energy meets the spiritual energy all around us. The first contact as it enters the body and the last as it leaves. "Omega" is the ultimate consciousness, it is also the frequency of vibration that will increase your frequency and move you along the scale from alpha to omega. Our vibration moves closer to the omega when we take actions and make choices aligned with the higher self or our heart's true purpose.
"Crownomega" has been created to provide mind, body, soul shelter through our services, resources & support & to encourage it's members to live life aligned to their heart's true nature and purpose..