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Dan Brophy

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Dan Brophy works with teams and individuals to achieve their goals.

As the creative director and lead strategist for Brophy Studio, Dan works with brands to better serve their audience through content that educates, entertains, and inspires.

Brophy Creative offers education and thought-leadership, championing creativity as a tool for personal and professional transformation.

Dan coaches business leaders to give more dynamic presentations (The Kering Group) and has interviewed some of the most distinguished voices in Australian business (YPO).

Working to shake up the corporate facilitation landscape, Dan has developed a series of L&D and team-building workshops under the banner ‘Creative EQ’ , and has run immersive learning experiences for Google and Lexus.

Since 2016, he has hosted The Dan Brophy Show podcast, inspiring creatives with the lifestyle frameworks to ‘turn what they love into what they do’.

In 2023, Dan launched and hosted The Men's Check-In, a monthly gathering designed to give participants an effortless way to discuss whatever is going on for them that day/week/month.