Heya special human! Let me introduce myself,
My name is Danielle, creator of "Self Sourced" & my soul’s mission is to bring forward a world of SELF SOURCED human beings - connecting us back to self and discovering the most healing source of all, you.
I believe in healing and expanding from the inside out and bottom up.What does this mean? We work with the B O D Y.
By seeing our body as a marvellous storage container for all of your emotions, your experiences, your traumas, your subconscious programming that shape your identity and beliefs therefore influence your life as a whole. Once we understand that true healing can only happen once we allow space for our somatic bodies to also be tendered to alongside the mindset work - THEN true shifts can begin to occur. These spaces & practices are the very thing that saved my life.I spent majority of my life in main stream therapies approaching healing from a mindset perspective only. Medication after medication, Talk therapy after talk therapy. I was being taught how to suppress rather than express. I had years of complex traumas stored in my body, my nervous system was severely disregulated and I was living in survival mode. Every day was a battle, I suppressed it further with partying, alcohol, drugs, erratic & irresponsible behaviours. That was until I discovered what it meant to work with my body & my subconscious.
I awoke, I began releasing, I began understanding. I stepped into spaces that allowed me to be seen, heard & loved unconditionally. I began to unravel my identity and I got more in touch with my body like I had never before. I began the journey home and gradually got closer and closer to our divine universe, I got closer to own soul. Every single thing I had been missing started to reveal in myself and it was these spaces that showed me exactly that. Finding source within yourself puts the power back in your hands, it creates so much stability and love inside that no matter the weather - no thing or person can take it from you.
Let’s create a world full of humans who know their worth and stand for nothing less.
We were never meant to do this alone, nor do we need to.
Lots of love,
D xx