David Corby

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David Corby

CEO  &  Founder of College of Complementary Medicine.

Senior Lecturer Integrative Complementary Medicine, Holistic Kinesiology and Mind Body Medicine.

David is CEO of CCM, teacher of holistic kinesiology and mind body medicine and published author of books and numerous accredited courses. David is a registered Acupuncturist, a mind body practitioner and holistic kinesiologist. A world renowned lecturer who teaches in Australia and overseas.

David originally worked as a Chief Economist in the financial markets until his life was overturned when his wife almost died from a serious illness. Over the 6 years she was ill he discovered much about himself and complementary medicine. David took up yoga and started to become more aware of everything around him. One day he was coming to work, looked at his building and was suddenly struck by the idea that he was wasting his time – playing a game that was fun but had little meaning. He decided it was time to do something that was meaningful to him. Following a short course on kinesiology he was hooked.

While doing yoga on a deserted island as the sun came up, David had a sudden insight that he should start a college that promoted the philosophy of self-empowerment – the capacity for everyone to feel that they can make the most of their life. So when he came to Sydney the college was born and things just grew from there. David realised over time that many people shared his self-empowerment philosophy and he has had the great privilege of seeing many hundreds of students transform into beautiful practitioners making a difference in the world. An experience that is extremely gratifying and uplifting.