David developed and taught this intuitive healing movement 25yrs ago in Brisbane at gyms and retreats and it was birthed from his teaching and practicing of Vibrational Kinesiology, which connects to the Higher Self to diagnose and treat ailments.
From his healing work on himself and clients, it became glaringly obvious how disconnected we can be to our inner wisdom and what our bodies are telling us…and with the internet this is only increasing. And many suffer from a lack of self-love, and ignoring our bodies is not just rude, but a powerful statement to ourselves that we are not worth listening to, thus fuelling the lack of self-love which can sabotage our success in life, and health and relationships.
Hence the course was born and produced amazing results where it was common for people to cure aches/pains, even emotional baggage that they have had for decades. And many changed their diet as a result of being more in tune with what their body wants rather than their taste buds. David personally was routinely spending $500-600/mo on physio, chiro, needling, massage etc due to long term back and neck pain but the Intuitive Movement Meditation put an end to that and he has found it an invaluable tool when travelling and away from his usual practioners.