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Debby Emeny
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Debby is blessed with natural gifts of connecting with the unseen world.  She is highly skilled and qualified with over 30 years experience working as a practitioner, with a long list of qualification & certifications.

Being a pioneer & visionary, she is often the first to create or adopt new methods and technologies. 

With her innate gifts she has created her own, very powerful, modalities that can provide rapid insights, clearing and understanding. 

  • Quantum Holographic Healing 
  • Readings using Frequency
  • An 8 session Transformational Coaching program

She regularly holds workshops, classes and training and is a powerful public speaker, available to talk at your online or in-person events on a wide range of topics.

Appointments can be in Person, Online or Distant, wherever you are in our world. 

You are in safe hands.