Delaware Valley Insight is a Vipassana, or Insight meditation community active in the greater Philadelphia area throughout Southeastern Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey and Northern Delaware. We are a peer-led community that practices mindfulness meditation as taught within the tradition of Theravada Buddhism.
Our Vision: DVI is a spiritual community that relies upon the Triple Jewel of the Buddha, the Dharma (his teachings) and the Sangha (the community of practitioners) for liberation and freedom. We train not only in meditation practices (samadhi), we also cultivate awakening through dedication to ethics (sīla) and wisdom (paññā).
Our Mission: We are dedicated to the notion that the awareness cultivated through meditation is incomplete without a corresponding devotion to cultivating love and compassion in our own lives and in this world. As such, we endeavor to create a diverse and welcoming community for people of all cultural and religious backgrounds, race, socio-economic class, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, education, and physical ability.