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De Quincey Co

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De Quincey Co is Australia’s leading BodyWeather dance performance company creating work at the intersection of dance, visual arts, theatre, music and performance. Led by Artistic Director Tess de Quincey, the company creates works of shifting scales for specific spaces – from a white gallery to a black box, a cityscape or a desert riverbed.

We invite you into a unique exchange – a rare and thought-provoking dance experience – that invites you to connect, experience and explore.

Our work is based in the BODYWEATHER practice, which proposes practical strategies to our bodies and minds. It is not just for ‘professional dancers’ or ‘performance practitioners’ alone, but is an open investigation that can be relevant for anyone interested in exploring the riches of our body-mind.

The term and philosophical basis for BODYWEATHER was founded by dancer Min Tanaka and his MAI-JUKU performance group, Japan. As a former dancer with Mai-Juku 1984-1991, Tess de Quincey introduced the practice to Australia in 1989. The training is a synthesis of eastern and western practice and thought, drawing from ancient traditions as well as contemporary dance, sports training, martial arts, theatre, performance and avant-garde arts practice. It is a ground training devoid of any specific aesthetic that develops a conscious relation to our body-mind as an environment within a greater environment.