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What is District32?

District32 is a premium business growth network where business leaders and experts across Australia form meaningful relationships every month through structured growth networking events and business growth workshops.

We offer more opportunities for revenue, growth, and connection, and we do it faster.

  • Exponential results – more revenue, more profit and more customers
  • Uncapped opportunities – access a vast business growth network
  • Strategic shortcuts – access experts who have already obtained success

District32 members feel more connected, more informed, and more confident with their business growth. Members make less mistakes, have access to experts, mentors, referral partners and friendships and achieve results much faster than they would on their own.

District32 Points of Difference

At District32 we strive to deliver more impact with more flexibility to help you to get more customers and build a better business.

  • Tiered Flexible Membership – more focused growth, move to new tiers as you grow to help you to scale. From startup to 7-figure ++.
  • Industry Category Protection – Lock out the competition in Connect LOCAL and Connect PREMIUM.
  • Flexible Maxi Membership – Attend events that suit you, e.g. Maximiser events with 80+ people or Ladies/Men's/Construction events.
  • Unique ‘Interconnection’ Model – Connect with 400+ business owners and growing each week.
  • Connect Nationally/Globally – Complimentary speed networking events every week.
  • Annual Pathway to Growth Conference – Learn from 4-6 experts – choose your experts.
  • Essential Business Education and Support – District32 is unmatched in our Member support and education.

District32 Events

District32 is renowned for providing dynamic business growth events to suit business owners at different levels of their growth journey. We offer event platforms that enable entrepreneurs to work on their business, to foster relationships, increase their network, and commercialise connections.

District32 provides both online and face-to-face business growth events across Perth, Gold Coast and Australia.