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DJ Mr Motion

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DJ Mr Motion brings his infectious enthusiasm, endless inquisitiveness, big-kid heart and a lifelong love of dance to the Guru Dudu team. A Mr Motion tour will take you on a movement safari through role-playing, dancing, singing, creative movement with a pumping playlist. Since joining the Silent Disco team in 2018, Mr Motion has whipped up a disco storm at the Queen Vic markets, Hen’s nights, Council and private events. Mr Motion is the creation of Jonathan Sinatra. Originally from the USA, Jonathan’s family migrated to Melbourne, Australia in the early 1980s. Jonathan has toured Australia the world for over 25 years as a professional contemporary dancer, performance maker and dance teacher.

During his day time hours, Jonathan is either working on current dance projects, taking photographs, or facilitating life-enriching experiences as a Teaching Artist for ArtLife at Footscray Community Arts Centre. You can find out more about DJ Mr Motion here: