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Dr. Betsy Diamant-Cohen

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Dr. Betsy Diamant-Cohen is the creator of the Mother Goose on the Loose program series, a groundbreaking program that promotes early childhood literacy and family engagement.  Betsy is a tireless advocate for children's library services to very young children and their families. She has also presented at countless conferences and is well-known for her expertise on serving families and communities with energy, creativity, and compassion.

A prolific author, her books include Mother Goose on the Loose: A Handbook and DC-Rom kit with scripts, rhymes, songs, flannel-board patterns and activities for promoting early childhood development (Neal-Schuman, 2006); Booktalking Bonanza: Ten ready-to-use multimedia sessions for the busy librarian, co-authored with Selma Levi (ALA Editions, 2008); The Early Literacy Kit: A Handbook and tip cards,co-authored with Saroj Ghoting (ALA Editions, 2009); Early Literacy Programming en Espanol: Mother Goose on the Loose programs for bilingual learners (Neal-Schuman, 2010); Children’s Services: Partnerships for Success, editor (ALA Editions 2010); Crash Course in Library Services to Preschool Children (Libraries Unlimited, 2010); Transforming Preschool Storytime: A Modern Vision and Year of Programs, co-authored with Melanie A. Hetrick (Neal-Schuman,2013); Mother Goose on the Loose: Here, There, and Everywhere (ALA Editions, 2019); and Mother Goose on the Loose, Updated! (ALA Editions, 2019).

Diamant-Cohen is co-author of the "Research Roundup" column in Children and Libraries, the Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children. Betsy has led several ALSC continuing education webinars including "Early Childhood Programs and Services Series Part 1: Ages and Stages in Early Literacy Programming" and "So You Want to Get Published."

In 2002, the second annual Godfrey Award for Excellence in Public Library Services for Families and Children selected the “Mother Goose on the Loose program as a strong contributor to a comprehensive set of library goals relating to children’s services.”

In 2004, Betsy was named by Library Journal as a “re-inventor” and chosen as one of the “Movers and Shakers: people who are shaping the future of libraries” largely due to the success of Mother Goose on the Loose. Based on that, Neal Shuman publishing company invited her to write a book on Mother Goose on the Loose. Betsy has been presenting trainings ever since.

In 2013, Betsy was the recipient of ASCLA’s (Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies) Leadership and Professional Achievement Award, which stated that Mother Goose on the Loose “has revolutionized the way story times are presented to young children at libraries across the country and has empowered librarians to work confidently with this young population of readers.”

In 2018, she was the recipient of the Vattemare Award for Creativity in Libraries.

In 2022, she was honored to receive the Association for Library Service to Children’s (ALSC) Distinguished Service Award which stated, "Dr. Betsy Diamant-Cohen has contributed to the knowledge base of children's librarians and others who serve children in libraries and communities for decades. Her program Mother Goose on the Loose is the tip of what is an iceberg of offerings and supports to our field of practice. Betsy was one of the first librarians to write about the power and importance of engaged language experiences for children's development. She also highlighted the importance of the parent-child bond and how librarians can encourage parents and caregivers in their roles. Her workshops are bursting with joy and enthusiasm and she has taken great care to make her approaches flexible and adaptable to different communities."