Lipoedema, a chronic condition characterised by the abnormal accumulation of fat cells, affects up to 15% of women and often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Despite its prevalence, Lipoedema remains relatively unknown among the general population and even within the medical community. This lack of awareness can lead to delays in diagnosis, ineffective treatments, and a significant impact on the physical and emotional well-being of those affected. That is why Lipoedema education events play a crucial role in raising awareness and fostering support for individuals with Lipoedema.
Dr Chris Lekich and the team at Lipoedema Surgical Solution remain committed to raising Lipoedema awareness, and regularly run educational events which you can view here.
Lipoedema, a greatly misunderstood disease is in need for proper understanding for many reasons including:
Helping to distinguish obesity and Lymphoedema from Lipoedema, which are very different conditions. This includes doctors, specialists, allied health practitioners, politicians, sufferers of Lipoedema, and the general community.
To ensure that Lipoedema sufferers receive an early diagnosis. There is currently a generation of women that are stuck with diseased fat in their legs, who given an opportunity at a younger age could have a totally different presentation through early diagnosis and intervention. Early diagnosis can reduce or remove the burden of fat both physically and emotionally.
To upgrade Australia’s Lipoedema awareness and management to world standard. Dr Lekich’s experience working in Germany for training with Dr Heck was that Australia is 15 years behind Germany with our awareness of Lipoedema. Dr Heck visited Australia to establish his surgical protocol with Dr Lekich and they arranged Information Events around the country for Lipoedema patients with the two doctors presenting alongside the Lipoedema Warriors Support Group. At these Information Events Lipoedema sufferers were attending with advanced Lipoedema without any compression, without an understanding of manual lymphatic drainage and conservative management options.
To assist women with Lipoedema feel less isolated and stigmatised by ignorance about the condition; and being dismissed as obese and/or lazy.
To provide women with Lipoedema with a voice, so they can receive the vital recognition and support from government, medical professionals, allied health practitioners, as well as their family, friends and the general community.
Dr Chris Lekich is the Medical Director of Lipoedema Surgical Solution, CEO of Miami Private Hospital, and has worked in operating theatres for over 20 years.
In his venous practice, Dr. Lekich has conservatively managed Lipoedema for over 16 years. He shifted to the surgical management of the disease once he established the purpose-built, licensed, Miami Private Hospital and training in Germany with Dr Heck.
Dr Lekich has collaborated with the world’s leading Lipoedema Surgeon, Dr Heck of Germany’s LipoClinic. Dr Lekich has made several visits to Germany for personalised training with Dr Heck who has become his mentor and good friend. Dr Heck has also personally spent a number of days visiting Miami Private Hospital in 2017 hosted by Dr Lekich. This technique of Lipoedema-Extraction has been perfected over 20 years, now making it available in Australia.
Apart from Dr Lekich’s extensive training in microsurgery, minimally invasive management of venous disease and Lipoedema surgery, he has a formal law degree, has been admitted to the Bar and has completed a Masters of Business Administration.
These educational Lipoedema events serve as platforms to share knowledge, bridge the information gap, and empower Lipoedema patients, their loved ones and their healthcare professionals to better understand and manage this complex condition.