Having studied Chinese Medicine in my young adulthood, natural medicine and nature's cycles have become very important to me. The correlation of the health of our mind, body, and spirit with the Earth's is undeniable. Post Chinese Medicine studies I travelled around the world to dip into different Traditional Medicines of the Original tribes within the Eastern and Southern America worlds. I found that the harmony we keep with the cycles of nature is the key stone of all health and the reciprocity to the Earth of what we take is a major point of these natural, harmonious cycles. I also completed many months of Yoga Teacher Training and many weeks within Peru deepening my connection and understanding of the natural world. Since landing back home in Australia I have furthered gathering information through courses in ZenThai Shiatsu and the School of Shamanic Womancraft, which have given me new perspective on the cycles not only of nature, sun and Yang; but also the deeper cycles that happen within us around spirit, moon and Yin. It is my pleasure, devotion and true honour to continue inspiring people to come back to nature, to see the magnificence that surrounds us and recognise that we have the same magnificence within us.