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EA Social Club

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We’re a club dedicated to bringing EAs together for informal, awesome, and intimate social gatherings - it’s networking with a side of relaxation, newly forged friendships, and empowerment.

Networking for EAs can often be lacking outside of training events and conferences; these environments are not where we’re most comfortable and free to be our authentic selves.

The power of community is real. Being around other EAs who understand the highs and lows of the industry and what it’s like working with a variety of executives (and there sure are a variety!), getting to know other people’s experiences, and simply being able to socialize…There's nothing like having a seat at that table.

Especially when it’s a table just for you.

I can’t wait for you to join us!

(Oh, and just a heads up: we go Dutch on dinners/events, so we all chip in for our own meals and drinks)